‘What People are Saying…’
I now consider Michael Carmody of Legacy Tours to be the best field guide in North America.
During extensive trips in Mexico while searching for the most rare and difficult birds Michael Carmody has been my chosen guide. His comprehensive site knowledge, route planning, identification skills, and call recognition brought near total success to my expeditions, helping me through to my 8,000th bird.
They say; ‘no one gets them all’ – but we did! I’ve had the pleasure of birding with Michael Carmody on several occasions. In addition to being knowledgeable about the Mexican birds within his “patch“, Michael is a most convivial travel companion.
Thanks, Michael, for the memorable Mexico Trip. You really know how and where to find those endemics! I look forward to the next one…
Because of your ability to consistently produce the key birds of a region Legacy Tours is increasingly recognized as the only way to bird Mexico.
Michael Carmody of Legacy Tours is ‘The Man‘ to go with if you are considering a birding tour to Mexico. Not only does Michael have encyclopedic knowledge of the birds, but with over 25 years’ experience of guiding private and group tours in the country, he knows how, where and when to go to see them. With Legacy Tours, you’re in very capable hands.
ANDY and GILL SWASH(WorldWildlifeImages.com) Devon, England
With the skilled direction of Michael Carmody of Legacy Tours we realized our long-time goal of becoming the first persons to tally 800 birds in both the ABA Area and in the country of Mexico.
I have traveled with many top tour leaders and Michael Carmody of Legacy Tours ranks with the best of them. If you want to see Mexico’s endemics, he is the person.
Our recent trip was one of the most memorable and rewarding I have ever taken. A remarkable group of people and skilled and patient leadership made for a great combination.
Michael Carmody has guided for us on two excellent Mexico tours during which we’ve seen nearly 600 species, including well over 200 lifers. Michael’s comprehensive site knowledge for endemics and difficult species is outstanding, and as importantly it’s been an absolute pleasure travelling with him; so much so that we will shortly be travelling with Michael again on an extensive custom tour – what more can one say?
Norfolk, England